Mirza Abdul Hassan, Itiqab Khan or Asif Khan (III) himself was the stuff of legend, brother of Empress Noor Jahan and father of Mumtaz Mahal ( the title given to Arjumand Bano) the lady of Taj and favorite wife of Shahjahan. Asif Khan ascended to an unprecedented rank of 9000 personnel and 9000 horses, a rank once reserved only for princes. Emperor Shahjahan appointed him Sippah-Salar, (commander-in-chief) and also granted him the title of Yameen-ud Daula. Asif Khan was not even instrumental in struggle of Shahjahan for securing Mughal throne but also became famous for his taste for art and architecture. He died in November, 1641 A.D and buried in this mausoleum which was built by Emperor Shahjahan in four years at cost of three lakhs rupees. Asif Khan was reputed to have left a colossal fortune, his house in Lahore (Choona Mandi Women College) alone having cost of 20 lakh rupees at the time of its construction. The entire compound, garden and tomb, is enclosed by a brick wall finished with lime plaster and approached through an imposing gate on south.The tomb is not a part of the Jahangir’s tomb complex but at present its entrance is from Akbari-Serai. The all original entrances of Chahar-Bagh Rauza compound were blocked in recent times. As soon as one enters in the compound, he gets struck by the high bulbous dome of the octagonal monument, raised on a large octagonal podium with its recessed adcoves, the very character of Ali Mardan’s tomb. This is one of the much ravaged monuments during the Sikh period but still impressive because of the expansiveness of the garden around it. The spacious garden once set with reservoirs, fountains and beautiful walkways
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